【輸入盤CD】【新品】Bobbie Gentry / Girl From Chickasaw County (Highlights) (w/Book)【K2022/8/5発売】(ボビー・ジェントリー)
Two CD highlights collection. Includes 38 page book. Features tracks from the 2018 boxset and a selection of the unreleased bonus material from the 8-CD package, including an alternate take of Sunday Best, demo of Hurry, Tuesday Child, Mississippi Delta alternate version and many more.発売日: 2022/8/5輸入盤USレーベル: Capitol Nashville収録曲: 1.1 Ode to Billie Joe1.2 I Saw An Angel Die1.3 Chickasaw County Child1.4 Sunday Best1.5 Hurry, Tuesday Child1.6 Niki Hokey / Barefootin1.7 Mississippi Delta1.8 Seventh Son1.9 Okolona River Bottom Band1.10 Mornin Glory1.11 Jessye Lisabeth1.12 Refractions1.13 Courtyard1.14 Feelin Good1.15 Sweet Peony1.16 Casket Vignette1.17 Recollection1.18 Eleanor Rigby1.19 Sittin Pretty1.20 Hushabye Mountain1.21 The Conspiracy of Homer Jones1.22 Sunday Mornin1.23 Let It Be Me2.1 Supper Time2.2 God Bless the Child2.3 This Girls in Love with You2.4 Touch Em with Love2.5 Greyhound Goin Somewhere2.6 Seasons Come, Seasons Go2.7 Glory Hallelujah, How Theyll Sing2.8 Fancy2.9 Find Em, Fool Em and Forget Em2.10 He Made a Woman Out of Me2.11 Rainmaker2.12 Circle Round the Sun2.13 Apartment 212.14 Billy the Kid2.15 Benjamin2.16 But I Cant Get Back2.17 Belinda2.18 Mean Stepmama Blues2.19 Lookin in2.20 Smoke2.21 Joanne2.22 You and Me Together2.23 The Girl from Cincinnatiコメント:Two CD highlights collection. Includes 38 page book. Features tracks from the 2018 boxset and a selection of the unreleased bonus material from the 8-CD package, including an alternate take of Sunday Best, demo of Hurry, Tuesday Child, Mississippi Delta alternate version and many more.