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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Toyah / Changeling (w/DVD)【K2023/9/29発売】

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新品 5374.2円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :29542034579
中古 :29542034579-1
メーカー 【輸入盤CD】【新品】Toyah 発売日 2025/02/07 09:42 定価 5374.2円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Toyah / Changeling (w/DVD)【K2023/9/29発売】

Remastered release of Toyahs 1982 Silver certified-selling album The Changeling. The Changeling is the darker, more grown-up sequel to the previous years gold-selling album Anthem. The Changeling entered the UK Top 40 in June 1982, peaking at number six. Produced by the acclaimed Steve Lillywhite, the album features a line-up of Toyah Willcox (vocals), Joel Bogen (guitar), the late Phil Spalding (bass) and the revered Simon Phillips (drums). The album also features guest synthesizers/keyboards from Andy Clark (David Bowies Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps), member of Be-Bop Deluxe) and Simon Darlow. The brass section from Haircut 100 also feature on Street Creature. For the tenth overall release of the Toyah Safari Records catalogue on Cherry Red, Toyahs archivist Craig Astley has dug deep to expand the album with a treasure trove of previously unheard bonus tracks, previously unseen footage and unseen, previously thought-lost, imagery. This Expanded 2CD+DVD set presents a new remaster by Nick Watson from the original master tapes, approved by Joel Bogen, and further endorsed by Steve Lillywhite. 31 bonus tracks are distributed across the two audio discs, including 20 previously unreleased tracks, and a further three previously unavailable on any CD. CD1 includes two finished out-takes from the album sessions, B-Side Warrior Rock and the unused Paradise Child. The long-sought after re-recording of Dawn Chorus, previously only available on a BBC television appearance makes its CD debut after appearing in March 2023 on Cherry Reds 10" vinyl EP of Brave New World which sold out in minutes. The eight remastered tracks that featured on Cherry Reds expanded vinyl release of the November 1981 EP Four More From Toyah also make their CD debut. This includes the previously unreleased tour intro Go Berserk and a re-recording of I Want To Be Free, a try-out for the digital recording equipment subsequently used for The Changeling. CD2 contains an alternate run-through of the full album sequence all in revealing "work in progress" variations courtesy of archive master tapes and Joel Bogens cassette archive. The accompanying DVD (NTSC/Region Free) includes two brand new in-depth feature-length interviews with Toyah Willcox. Creating The Changeling sees Willcox looking back to the period running up to the album sessions, its recording and release. Previously unseen footage from the making of the Brave New World video is a true rare and revealing insight. The iconic 1982 promo video for Brave New World is included alongside a full song playthrough of completely unused and unseen performance footage from the Brave New World shoot. Eleven BBC archive clips span the Four More From Toyah and The Changeling eras including Good Morning Universe on Top Of The Pops, Its A Mystery from the year-end TOTP Christmas Party. A band performance of I Want To Be Free from the British Rock & Pop Awards 1981, at which Toyah collected the award for Best British Female Singer appears alongside TV performances of Brave New World, Street Creature, Castaways, Dawn Chorus and Ieya 1982. Theres also rare rehearsal clips of The Changeling summer tour from a Nationwide TV report. The Pebble Mill 6. 55 Special from August 1982 includes Toyahs performance of the re-worked Dawn Chorus and Ieya. This special inclusion includes a full un-broadcast minute of the Ieya performance, not seen due to running over the allocated programming schedule. Acoustic versions of the classics Angel & Me, Brave New World and Good Morning Universe feature from an intimate Toyah concert at Trading Boundaries in 2018. The package includes a brand new introduction from Toyah Willcox, a special dedication sleevenote to the late Phil Spalding by Toyah band co-founder, co-writer and guitarist Joel Bogen and extensive sleevenotes from Craig Astley. The artwork package is packed with rare and unseen imagery created for the album, including outtakes from the album cover session, and further unseen photographs taken for the Brave New World front and back covers.発売日: 2023/9/29輸入盤UKレーベル: Cherry Red収録曲: 1.1 Creepy Room1.2 Street Creature1.3 Castaways1.4 The Druids1.5 Angel ; Me1.6 The Packt1.7 Life in the Trees1.8 Dawn Chorus1.9 Run Wild, Run Free1.10 Brave New World1.11 Warrior Rock1.12 Paradise Child1.13 Good Morning Universe1.14 Urban Tribesmen1.15 In the Fairground1.16 The Furious Futures1.17 Go Berserk (Tour Intro)1.18 Stand Proud1.19 Clapham Junction1.20 I Want to Be Free (Roundhouse Session) 21 Dawn Chorus (6.55 Special Version)2.1 Creepy Room (Work in Progress Mix)2.2 Street Creature (Work in Progress Mix)2.3 Castaways (Work in Progress Mix)2.4 The Druids (Work in Progress Instrumental) 5 Angel ; Me (Work in Progress Mix)2.5 The Packt (Work in Progress Mix)2.6 Life in the Trees (Work in Progress Mix)2.7 Dawn Chorus (Work in Progress Mix)2.8 Run Wild, Run Free (Work in Progress Mix)2.9 Brave New World (Work in Progress Mix)2.10 Warrior Rock (Work in Progress Instrumental) 12 Paradise Child (Instrumental Outtake)2.11 Untitled No.12 (Instrumental Outtake)2.12 Chariots (Instrumental Home Demo)2.13 The Pied Piper (Instrumental Home Demo)2.14 Roxy One (Instrumental Home Demo)2.15 Talking to Seifert (Instrumental Home Demo)2.16 Piano Ballad (Instrumental Home Demo)2.17 Anger (Instrumental Home Demo)2.18 Bus Station for Heroes (Instrumental Home Demo)3.1 Creating the Changeling: Toyah Interview 20233.2 Track By Track Commentary: Toyah Interview 20233.3 Good Morning Universe: Live ; Unplugged 20183.4 Brave New World: Live ; Unplugged 20183.5 Angel ; Me: Live ; Unplugged 20183.6 Brave New World: Promo Video3.7 Brave New World: Promo Video Outtake Footage3.8 Good Morning: Universe Top of the Pops3.9 Its a Mystery: Top of the Pops Xmas Party3.10 I Want to Be Free: British Rock ; Pop Awards 19813.11 Brave New World: Get Set for Summer3.12 Street Creature: Get Set for Summer3.13 Castaways: Get Set for Summer3.14 Brave New World: Cheggers Plays Pop 15 Dawn Chorus (Tour Clips): Nationwide3.15 16 Dawn Chorus: Pebble Mill 6.55 Special3.16 17 Ieya 1982: Pebble Mill3.17 6.55 Special (Uncut Ending)3.18 18 Street Creature: Three of a Kindコメント:Remastered release of Toyahs 1982 Silver certified-selling album The Changeling. The Changeling is the darker, more grown-up sequel to the previous years gold-selling album Anthem. The Changeling entered the UK Top 40 in June 1982, peaking at number six. Produced by the acclaimed Steve Lillywhite, the album features a line-up of Toyah Willcox (vocals), Joel Bogen (guitar), the late Phil Spalding (bass) and the revered Simon Phillips (drums). The album also features guest synthesizers/keyboards from Andy Clark (David Bowies Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps), member of Be-Bop Deluxe) and Simon Darlow. The brass section from Haircut 100 also feature on Street Creature. For the tenth overall release of the Toyah Safari Records catalogue on Cherry Red, Toyahs archivist Craig Astley has dug deep to expand the album with a treasure trove of previously unheard bonus tracks, previously unseen footage and unseen, previously thought-lost, imagery. This Expanded 2CD+DVD set presents a new remaster by Nick Watson from the original master tapes, approved by Joel Bogen, and further endorsed by Steve Lillywhite. 31 bonus tracks are distributed across the two audio discs, including 20 previously unreleased tracks, and a further three previously unavailable on any CD. CD1 includes two finished out-takes from the album sessions, B-Side Warrior Rock and the unused Paradise Child. The long-sought after re-recording of Dawn Chorus, previously only available on a BBC television appearance makes its CD debut after appearing in March 2023 on Cherry Reds 10" vinyl EP of Brave New World which sold out in minutes. The eight remastered tracks that featured on Cherry Reds expanded vinyl release of the November 1981 EP Four More From Toyah also make their CD debut. This includes the previously unreleased tour intro Go Berserk and a re-recording of I Want To Be Free, a try-out for the digital recording equipment subsequently used for The Changeling. CD2 contains an alternate run-through of the full album sequence all in revealing "work in progress" variations courtesy of archive master tapes and Joel Bogens cassette archive. The accompanying DVD (NTSC/Region Free) includes two brand new in-depth feature-length interviews with Toyah Willcox. Creating The Changeling sees Willcox looking back to the period running up to the album sessions, its recording and release. Previously unseen footage from the making of the Brave New World video is a true rare and revealing insight. The iconic 1982 promo video for Brave New World is included alongside a full song playthrough of completely unused and unseen performance footage from the Brave New World shoot. Eleven BBC archive clips span the Four More From Toyah and The Changeling eras including Good Morning Universe on Top Of The Pops, Its A Mystery from the year-end TOTP Christmas Party. A band performance of I Want To Be Free from the British Rock & Pop Awards 1981, at which Toyah collected the award for Best British Female Singer appears alongside TV performances of Brave New World, Street Creature, Castaways, Dawn Chorus and Ieya 1982. Theres also rare rehearsal clips of The Changeling summer tour from a Nationwide TV report. The Pebble Mill 6. 55 Special from August 1982 includes Toyahs performance of the re-worked Dawn Chorus and Ieya. This special inclusion includes a full un-broadcast minute of the Ieya performance, not seen due to running over the allocated programming schedule. Acoustic versions of the classics Angel & Me, Brave New World and Good Morning Universe feature from an intimate Toyah concert at Trading Boundaries in 2018. The package includes a brand new introduction from Toyah Willcox, a special dedication sleevenote to the late Phil Spalding by Toyah band co-founder, co-writer and guitarist Joel Bogen and extensive sleevenotes from Craig Astley. The artwork package is packed with rare and unseen imagery created for the album, including outtakes from the album cover session, and further unseen photographs taken for the Brave New World front and back covers.




