【輸入盤DVD】【新品】【1】AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE: VOLUME FOUR (2PC)【D2021/8/10発売】
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: V4 - Somewhere in New Jersey, three roommates with superpowers, Master Shake, Frylock and Meatwad, unite to solve the neighborhoods unnatural mysteries. When theyre not fighting crime or each other, they relax by swimming in theiこちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーはこちらでご案内しております。種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:TV Comedy Animation発売日:2021/8/10収録分数:149ディスク枚数:2コメント:Aqua Teen Hunger Force: V4 - Somewhere in New Jersey, three roommates with superpowers, Master Shake, Frylock and Meatwad, unite to solve the neighborhoods unnatural mysteries. When theyre not fighting crime or each other, they relax by swimming in their next-door-neighbors pool.